Friday, 23 October 2009

Its a good day

Friday is the best day to have your coffee cup read, apparently if its read on a Friday then anything found in your cup will come true.

Its also said that people born on a Saturday have the power of making what they say come true... watch your step... I am Savato-yenimeni! I was born on a Saturday

Thursday, 15 October 2009

You can take them out of the bush....

I joined the geriatrics of the xorio for a day trip to Kastoria. Along the way there is a little church on an island; there is a 1km (rough estimate) bridge that joins the island to the mainland, the island is uninhabited and has some interesting ruins on it. While walking to one of the ruins someone spotted a tree with bright berries, to my shock and horror they all flocked to the tree and started eating the berries! We were on an uninhabited island, they could have been poisonous! I flapped my arms about and squealed we taught in school that the more pretty/ bright anything is in nature the more poisonous it is! They ignored me and tried to find out what the berries were, how you ask? By asking the next person who came along if they knew, and without fail each next person who came along popped a berry in their mouths to investigate!! I can only flap so much so I told them they were all going to die and walked off without looking back... god helps those who help themselves!

One thing I am definitely going to miss about Greece is the public transport system in Athens. You can get anywhere you need to be in less than an hour. You really dont need your own car here

*cant think of anything funny to say about the metro... dammit I'm losing my touch!*

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Lost in Translation

- Have a cookie. Its peanuts *heavy greek accent*
*a green cookie? maybe he means pistachios*
- ok, thanks *takes a bite*, *swallows hard*
- oh...... you mean its spinach

its peanuts = its speanuts = eets speenats = its spinach


Sunday, 11 October 2009

I love a man in uniform!

Nikki and I were in our hotel room in Hydra, we heard a marching band and of course had to investigate. We looked out the window and to my delight saw a whole lot of sailor boys passing right under our window. "Heeellllllooooooooooo Boys! Room 103!! Bring your friends!". We ran out the room to follow them and see what was going on. We were in the getting-ready-to-go-out phase and happened to be knickerless, we ran as fast as we could cackling all the way about how we are gonna call every Nicholas we know Knickerless! It turns out there was some or other church celebration they were involved in. Oh happy day we were on a little island filled with sailor boys, this is the life! We went out and drank to the Greek Navy!
so I was having me some steamy sailor dreams when I was woken up by the frikken marching band, at the crack of dawn!!! No no its not on at this time of the morning, people are trying to sleep!! *slams the window open and swears like a sailor* At that time of the morning you can shove your uniform up your bum! No actually you can shove your stupid little music instruments and your whole ship up your bum!

Night crawlers

Nikki and I were in Hydra and noticed that the tree trunks were painted white on the bottom half. But why? Nikki's reasoning? So drunk people dont walk into them at night!

It must be a sign

So uncle George and I had polished off the usual 5 bottles of wine and stumbled home in the wee hours of the morning. There is a table outside the front door, which happened to have a little tomato on it. George was convinced it was a sign and that there was some meaning to the little tomato... Who put it there? Why did they put it there? What are they trying to tell us? What is the meaning of it? It must be a sign or secret code... Damn that wine was good!

Syntagma Hot Spot

Syntagma has free wifi, with excellent signal strength by the metro, perfect for wasting time while waiting for the metro or while having coffee

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

The Martini side of my family is full of alcoholics

In Greece you need to turn the geyser (Thermosifono) on before you have a bath, I doubt many South Africans even know what a geyser looks like! Tsipouro is the local version of Mampoer.

So early one morning (7 frikken am early), I am upstairs and shout downstairs to Uncle George:
Me: "must I switch off the Thermosifono?"
George: "what? you want Tsipouro?"......... at 7 frikken am in the morning!!