Thursday, 2 August 2012

Nelly says

You think I talk a lot. You haven't met Nelly. I am one of those annoying people that insists on chit chatting with the passenger next to me on flights, I met my match. I will chit chat for the first hour or so but once the dinner service has been completed leave me alone so I can sleep. Not Nelly. She jabbered on and on and on, right through dinner, right through the night. I wasn't offering any conversation other than " oh okay, yes, no, wow, soooooo interesting", and all my face was saying was "SNORE!!!!!", at least that was what it was trying to say, I need more Botox.

As annoying as it was Nelly was actually very entertaining . She came up with some pearlers:
- "You know how Jamaican girls dance so sexy? Well they are terrible in bed! They look like they will be wild in bed but they just lie there,"
- "Caster Semenya is a man. Definitely. Didn't you see at the Olympic Games opening ceremony she was carrying the flag? That's a man's job! That's why they put her to carry it. She's a man"
- "I'm 8 weeks pregnant and my 3 year old son knew before me. He started becoming obsessed with my boobs and always putting his hands down my shirt. I said what's wrong with you Bradley but you see he knew there was someone in there" ........if someone is in your boobs we have problems Nelly.

She was actually very funny, I wish I wasn't feeling tired and fluey on that flight, if I had been on top form I'm sure Nelly and I would have been kicked off the flight for disturbing the peace!

Hey Next Door Passenger on my return flight, you have big shoes to fill. Big clown shoes.


Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Mati and the mavraki

My first question at the check-in desk was "Are there a lot of kids on this flight and if there are can you move me?". Before all you good parenty types get a knot in your nappy bag strap let me clarify,I love children, but I was running on minimal sleep and was starting to feel a bit fluey. I needed to sleep on that flight. Corenza C and Grippon overdose recovery kind of sleep. I cannot, I WILL NOT be sick on my summer holiday. Must.Sleep

And then I met Bradley. 3 year old, extremely sick with flu Bradley. My next door passenger for the flight. Damn you Murphy!
Mati! Polu kako mati! His mother Nelly wasted no time telling me how he has been sick for over 6 weeks, SIX WEEKS, what does this kid have?? TB?? Thankfully she was already pouring medicines down his throat, she just kept them coming, and sweet baby angel Bradley drank them without putting up any fuss whatsoever. She just kept them coming.
"Jeez Nelly, how much are you going to give him?" *serious face from Nelly* "I want him to sleep for the whole flight". And just like that sweet Bradley was out like a light before take-off. Oh Nelly, you deserve the best parenting medal there is, bless you!

Bradley had his head in his mom's lap and his teeny body lying across his seat. So cute. And then came the feet. The damned feet!! Anyone who has had a small child share their bed will know the feet. The snot nosed brat kicked me the entire flight, while fast asleep of course.

I hardly got any sleep.

And not just because of Bradley. Oh my god Nelly can talk the hind leg off a donkey!!! Way more than me!! She didn't shut up for a second. On a night flight. While everyone, INCLUDING ME, was trying to sleep. WOOOOAAAAH NELLY!! The sneaky bitch had asked for my headphones at the start of the flight, there was no way to ignore her! Well played Nelly, well played.
