Thursday, 18 June 2009

Leaving South Africa

So of course I hadnt packed and of course I was running late, story of my life. My mom wailed her head off - bear in mind her flight to Greece is a week after mine and she will be here for two of the four months.....

Said sad goodbyes to everyone and rushed off to get the cat, half way there Hellen asked if I had the injection for the cat.....FAAAAAARK! had to go all the way home to get it, got to the airport extremely late. Rushed to check in to find out that I had 2kg excess baggage, the cat was an extra 7kgs, rushed off to pay for it but the speedpoint kept giving a communication failure..... so between my oh-so-fabulous-life-saving friends we managed to put together R2500, R475 short. The kind man from Olympic eventually let us have a discount, the plane was ready to leave and I hadnt checked in yet!

Rushed to the boarding gates with Hellen squealing and stressing me out, kiss kiss cry cry bye bye....then the Twin got down on one knee and opened a pretty little box....'oh my god you are crazy'.....slipped the ring on my finger, perfect fit, kiss kiss cry cry.... I looked up and saw Hellen, Marianna and Denis gobsmacked.....'k i've got to go bye love you all will miss you all!'

*beep beep* *sms from Denis* 'so are you engaged?'
*beep beep* *sms from Marianna* 'oh my god Stavs thats the most beautiful thing i've ever seen! so are you engaged?'
*beep beep* *sms from Hellen* 'what the hell was that? are you engaged?*
Erm no we're not engaged, its a Twin thing, its kinda an open invitation for when and if either of us grows up and decides to be responsible - no chance of that happening so lets all take a chill pill!

for the record, i love the ring... of course i kept it!!!

enough about my play play engagement.... where were we? oh right, at the boarding gates....
"athens, athens"
"i'm coming!"
"Mam you need to run"
"I cant run with the cat!!!"
"Mam you need to run, you are the last passenger and the plane is ready for take off"
"fuck fuck fuck"
*makes a mental note to never wear pretty heels when there is even the slightest possibility that you may need to run through an airport carrying a 7kg cat*

the flight was pretty good, had 3 seats to myself cause the old man sitting next to me bolted when he saw the cat! slept most of the way and the cat behaved herself

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