Me:”You’re sleeping on the couch!”
*door slams*
*door opens*
Me: “I hate you!”
*door slams*
*door opens*
Me: “My mother was right about you!”
*door slams*
*two days of silent treatment pass*
Him:”Baby I was wrong, I’m sorry, how can I make it up to you?”
Me:” Weeeeeeeeell we could always go past Bershka and see if they have any new shoes, and then maybe past Zara too”
- I am far from domesticated. I have learnt (on more than one occasion) that washing reds and whites together equals a lot of pink socks. Greece has a wonderful, marvelous, miraculous product called Colour Catcher – it’s a piece of paper that you put in the washing machine with your clothes, it somehow catches the colour, no more sorting clothes before washing them… I told you it’s wonderful, marvelous, miraculous! *makes a note to re-steal the red Captain Morgan t-shirt from Tyrone’s house*. And the washing powder smells so divine…….I swear I have been going out and not just doing laundry!
- I love free stuff. And glitter. If you covered a piece of poo in glitter I would buy it. If you covered a piece of poo in glitter and gave it to me for free I would be your best friend forever! The supermarkets here give you something free every time you buy something; one trip to the supermarket got me a shampoo (plus free conditioner), shower gel (plus free face wipes), magazine (plus free beach bag). The free stuff isn’t just small samples, full sizes people! ……..I swear I have been going out and not just doing laundry and grocery shopping!
- Johnson & Johnson (what do you mean its called Johnson’s now?) has the best shower gel in the world, its called Dreamy Skin, and it really makes your skin, well, dreamy
- Dove shampoo. It smells just like Dove soap and makes your hair look and feel like the girls hair in the Organics Good Hair Day ad
- Vanilla Happy Hippos. They are made by Kinder; chocolate and wafer shaped like hippos. They make me happy *swears she can feel her ass growing*
Movie Moment: - “Luben, you need to be appy, like ze ippo”
“My name, is RUBEN not Luben, I’m going to kill you!!!!!”
- The Periptero (garage shop on steroids). You will find a periptero on pretty much every corner; from any periptero you can see at least another three. Its basically a small wendy house with a person sitting inside it, the outside (all four sides) is covered in rows of bubble gum, sweets, magazines, ice cream fridges, coodrink fridges, airtime etc etc. They are open 24 hours a day and its completely safe to walk to one at any time of the night to get that strawberry milkshake you are craving (I’m sure I could convince the shoe-buying husband to go while I keep the bed warm). The amazing part is that the person sitting inside cannot see the outside at all and yet no one steals anything!
- Internet access is super cheap. 50 Euros (approx R570) a month for unlimited internet access, and the Greeks think that is expensive!
The mobile phone packages are also brilliant. For 5 Euro (approx R57) a month you get 600 free minutes to talk to friends on the same package. For prepaid users if you run out of airtime you can still recharge your account via sms and the amount gets deducted from the next voucher you buy, you can never run out of airtime!
- Public transport is fairly cheap, easily accessible and readily available. A ticket costs 1 Euro, is valid for all means of public transport (bus, trolley, tram, metro) and is valid for an hour and a half. For example, you can take a bus to from Galatsi to Syntagma (about 30 mins) then take the metro from Syntagma to Glyfada (about 10 mins), say hi and bye then go back the way you came, the ticket is valid for the last leg of your trip even if you exceed the hour and a half, you just need to punch it again before the time is up – and you can do all that with one ticket.
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